Campaign is over: Palin

Posted by Ecosoft | 10:32 PM | | 0 comments »

MIAMI: In a surprising move Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addressed a press conference here. She never held a news conference in her entire campaign as the Republican Party’s vice-presidential nominee.

But the question-and-answer session lasted only four minutes, and for only four questions.
In a reply to the reporters she said, “The campaign is over.”

Ms. Palin tried to play down her celebrity style and look. In her speech, she tried to shift the focus from herself to the work that Republican governors must now do, including developing energy resources and overhauling health care.

According to the sources, the conference has been dominated by soul searching among Republicans worried about their future after last week’s poor Election Day showing.

To that end, Ms. Palin was again asked whether she would run for president in 2012.
“The future is not that 2012 presidential race; it’s next year and our next budgets,” Ms. Palin said. It is in 2010, she said, that “we’ll have 36 governor’s positions open.”