Calling the film’s title insulting, several dozen Mumbai slum residents protested the award-winning film “Slumdog Millionaire” on Thursday. Mumbai’s slum residents were not happy, even the movie has won several Golden Globe award and is in race to win Oscar.

The film, a rags-to-riches romance set in Mumbai’s notorious slums, has been tapped a favorite for several Oscar nominations after it swept its four categories at the Golden Globes, including the prize for best drama.

Nicholas Almeida, a social activist who organized the protest, said he planned to file a lawsuit on Friday to get the name changed.

The film, which tells the story of Jamal Malik, a poor youth who becomes the champion of India’s “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” television program as he searches for his lost love, has also been criticized for focusing on India’s poverty.

On Wednesday the cast and director spoke to the media in New Delhi about the film, and the controversy it has sparked.